When Your Wife Increases Your Insurance Policy

There is no doubt that you love your wife and family and would do anything you have to so that they are protected and taken care of all of the time. While you may think that are doing and saying all of the right things all of the time, you came across something of concern in your mail today. It was a letter from an insurance company that was letting your wife know about the life insurance policy she recently took out on you. You shake your head a few times to make sure you read it correctly and then all of a sudden all of those mystery and thriller movies you have seen start running you through your head where the wife kills the husband for insurance money. Do you have something to worry about?


The Basic Facts

The odds are pretty good that your wife is not playing to do away with you in the middle night or has been poisoning your coffee each morning. What may really be going on here is that your wife may have been worried about you and whether or not you carry the appropriate life insurance. Many people overlook life insurance policies completely, not wanting to think about the issue of dying. The problem with this is that if something happens to you suddenly and accidentally it could leave your family in a serious financial bind. If you are the primary bread winner in the house your salary is counted on for survival in paying the bills and meeting the needs of the family. At least with the proper insurance policy you can be sure that they are provided for in the future.


Facing the Issues

Even though you may have discovered it accidentally, this is certainly an issue you may want to discuss with your wife. Let her know that you saw the policy and ask her what her overall concerns may be that made her take the policy out. Try not to be critical or accusatory – remember she was doing this to make sure the family is protected the right way. You can then talk about the policy and discuss what the needs of the family are and what you can do to take care of things.

Getting the Best Policy

At this point you may want to meet with your insurance agent and discuss any policies you might have already to see if they need to be altered. If you have not update your policies in a long time it may be time to make some changes to increase your coverage, particularly if you now have children to take care of or a house that has a mortgage.


Once you get all of that cleared up you will be able to sleep better at night knowing your wife was not trying to bump you off. Of course, if you happen to start see dark shadows out the window at night or it looks like someone is following you, you might be glad you got that new car from www.ocfiat.com. The right vehicle from http://www.ocfiat.com will be handy for you if you need to make a fast getaway in the middle of the night or outrun potential hitmen that might be chasing you down.