The excitement is in the air once you have plotted out your next RV trip. However, there are hazards that you should be checking your RV for before you go on this trip. These hazards could mean that your road trip is cut short since your RV is not going to be able to be driven. Checking out these hazards now can ensure that you do not have problems later.
Out of Alignment
Just like vehicles, RV’s can easily become misaligned. When this happens you could have a steering wheel that shakes while going down the road, and you may even find that it becomes harder to stay on a straight road without making major steering adjustments.
Electrical Equipment
On your RV, you may have numerous pieces of electrical equipment that you are going to utilise on the trip. Be sure that you are taking the time to double check that these pieces are in working shape and that there are no issues. Electrical equipment can malfunction and in rare cases, wiring could cause a small fire.
Fluid Levels
Getting out on the road and finding out that your oil is low is going to make you wonder what damage has been done to the engine. Checking the oil should be a preventative maintenance item on your checklist before you take off. By the time you check the engine light comes on due to a low oil level, you are going to find that the damage has been done. In addition, be sure to check the coolant levels to avoid overheating on the side of the road somewhere on our trip.
Be sure that you are checking your brakes and having these checked out by a professional. There is nothing worse than getting out on the road in an RV and finding that your brakes are not working. It could mean that you have to utilise the emergency brake, which could damage all the locking and parking gear onboard.
Tyre Pressure
Ensure that the tyre pressure in the tyres of your RV are where they should be. Running your RV on a tyre with low pressure could cause a blowout, which would easily cause you to lose control of the RV. In addition, avoid overinflating these tyres, as you are putting more wear and tear on these tyres. Follow the guidelines on your owner’s manual for how much pressure the tyres should have in them. Always speak to a registered RV dealer for safety advice.